Our Green Growth Pledge
Our Green Growth Pledge
At Holistic Hoarding we are deeply committed to sustainability and we have recently aligned our efforts with the Green Growth Pledges set forth by the Welsh Government.
Our pledges aim to support circular economy, helping to minimise our carbon footprint while providing practical solutions to our clients.
We aim to ensure that our operations not only support those in need but also contribute to Wales’s broader environmental goals, fostering a cleaner, greener and more sustainable future for all.
In the pdf document below you will find the 5 Green Growth Pledges we are committed to achieving over the next two years, in line with Welsh Government guideline, to make Holistic Hoarding a more environmentally conscious and sustainable organisation.
We are dedicated to enhancing our environmental impact, and we will keep you informed of our progress through updates on this new sustainability page and across all our social media platforms.
For further information or inquiries, please feel free to contact Celeste Lewis on celesteanwen@gmail.com.
"Hoarding isn't about how much stuff someone has, it's about how they process those things."
Matt Paxton, Author "The Secret Lives of Hoarders"